What is Prayer ?
Prayer is humanity calling on the divinity to step into our affair. In other words, it is a communication process between man and God, for God to respond to human needs or reveal to human what he had no clue about, either to fulfil destiny or to avert trouble (Jeremiah 33:3). It is a spiritual weapon of warfare. It is both offensive and defensive. We see this play out in 2 Chronicles 20:1-30, where Jehoshaphat petitioned three nations that came to take their land before God (You need to read that interesting prayer of petition story. The petition is in vs 6-12). Jehoshaphat prayed defensively and God responded offensively. Prayer is an opportunity to experience a miracle.
Why Do We
We pray because we are expected to pray (Jeremiah 29:12).
We pray because it is only God that answers prayer genuinely and conclusively (Psalm 65:2)
We pray because we are helpless without God’s help (Psalm 106:11, Psalm 108:12).
We pray because it is our weapon of spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6:10-18)
We pray because it builds our relationship with God (Jeremiah 33:3). Only someone that you have a relationship with, and cares about you, can show you what you do not know.
We pray because it helps us to overcome temptations (James 4:7).
We pray because it helps us to know God’s will (1 John 5:14).
When Do We
Prayer is not what we do when we feel like it, but what we do always. It is not reserved for a time of trouble, but to be observed continually (1 Thessalonians 5:17).
Does God Answer Prayer?
Certainly, He does. There are too numerous reports of people in the bible that God answered their prayers, e.g. Jacob, Hannah, Hezekiah and Jabez to mention but a few.
How Do We Pray To Get An Answer?
We must first realise that not all prayer qualifies for an answer (James 4:3).
For a prayer to get answered, it must be done boldly (Hebrew 4:16).
It must be done according to God’s will (1 John 5:14).
It must be done in faith. Every prayer that is void of faith, is void of answer (James 1:6-8).
I am glad to let you know that all the prayer points on this page are drawn from the will of God, which is the word of God and as you engage with these prayer points, your testimonies of turnaround shall come with speed in Jesus’ name.
I await your testimonies!
Endeavour to share them as they start coming in.